24 August 2007
15 August 2007
How to be middle aged
Excellent albeit depressing Financial Times article on how to be a middle-aged man.
13 August 2007
It's official: up another 40 reasons for the good old slap 'n' tickle, and this NYT URL has all the links, including to where you can make your own submission as well as read all the reasons to NOT have the most fun without laughing.
I'm not a weapons man m'self but here on Kerkyra there are macho types galore: old huntin' shootin' fishin' bores, former mercenaries who still sit backs to the wall, wannabe Bournes ... and just plain evil mean types who've acquired a piece from somewhere and, of a Saturday night down the Navi, like to pretend they're packing.
Actually, this is rather an hypnotic site - I clicked on the 'By movie' section and found it hard to pull away.
08 August 2007
Social Bookmarking
The first time I saw the name "del_icio_us" was at a Julie Leung geek-eat but the room was so full of clever people I didn't want to expose myself as an Ignoramus so I pursed my lips and looked sceptical and approving by turns and fooled some of the people some of that time.
Now comes Social Bookmarking in Plain English that's not only visually clever but actually explains it to me in terms even I can understand.
Better sign up.
07 August 2007
Kokomo/Kosovo Beach Boys Parody
Excellent harmonies and vocals, cool choreography ... wonderful scene on the frazzled bus.
Underlying it all, that these guys are/were in the line of fire.