28 September 2012
27 September 2012
25 September 2012
He can't be expecting us to believe that, out of the blue, Inspector Plebby Plod is going to plonk 'pleb' in his mouth. Way above his vocabulary pay grade ... except that ...
There ain't none. The rhythm and choleric circumstances leave no alternative on top of which the pleb Filth are hardly going to come up with that word on their own.
I used to bandy it about soon after school but none of my new play or workmates fronking understood it (the plebs), so i went back to the sort of lingo they understood.
Story of my life: speak and write to the enjoyablest of my ability and instead of collecting a knuckle sarnie or my guitar kicked in it's like "You wha'? Blimey, we don't all talk like Shakespeare."
In America they have a special category, enabling my Amazon colleagues to halt me mid-QA correction with a "Dude! We're not all English Majors." I still dont know what an english major is - possessor of colonial A-levels in English? Uni degree?
Anyway, Mitchell is going to need a make-over and that pink tie has to go.
"... several members of public present ... Mr Mitchell said:
'Best you learn your f------ place . . . you don’t run this f------ government . . . you’re f------ plebs.’ ”
Chief Whip warned that he if he continued to swear he would be arrested under the Public Order Act."
The next few performances at the Almeida? That line will bring the house down.
A fib? Jack's kingdom for a fib? How quaint we all thought ... but now here's Mad-dog falling foul of a forked tongue.
Sound bite ~ Here's my guess: one of those shocked bystanders will get home and download that day's snaps and there in the background audio will be Mitchell effing and plebbing away. Out there somewhere is Andy's come-uppance that will give the lie to this whole sordid affair.
24 September 2012
19 September 2012
Grab the closest book
A fellow Facebookista posts,
"It's international book week.I do so but am not impressed by p52, sentence 5. I hunt about and choose:The rules: Grab the closest book to you, turn to page 52, post the 5th sentence as your status. Don't mention the title ...
'Suddenly a great fish took his hook, and before he knew where he was, he was dragged out and down into the water, to the bottom.'"
"I was about to speak, when Carrie, in a temper such as I have never seen her in before, told me to hold my tongue."The reaction from my 'Friends' is prompt and impressed. I don't think they have the faintest idea what it is about.
~ Randy Newman ~ Jimmy Fallon ~
Two splendid performances:
Randy Newman dreaming of a white prez
Jimmy Fallon's unerring imitation of James Taylor
I'm going to give up - there were meant to be links which were easily fitted in before but now dont appear anywhere.
newman song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvLeQbwuKys ~ Fallon - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0uX36AczW0&feature=g-vrec
calendar filch
~ calendar filch ~
Place marker for fuller artisticer blog post, more elaborate text drawing from FB captions, more effective lay-out.
The Theft that goes on thieving
Reads like esprit d'escalier, i know, but it's the splendid title that came to me as i was sifting thru the religious crap printed on the 2006/7 calendar pages, then slipped my mind and is now back with renewed purpose: I try to bring to my posts about the theft(s)the same dementia repeatia feel as I suffered at the dinner table and the endless dronings of the same stories and the same stuck needle on vile gardenry.This would make a good Facebook foto album title to which to move new thievery pics once they've had their week's fame. Also a useful blog post title (if i persist with Blogger now they've 'upgraded' and made it impossible to use).
I know i strain for cute titles but it'd be much more convenient to have one sewage manhole to raise into which to dump theft updates. I could always have sub-sewage titles once the new garbage had been dumped but i'm thinking of newcomers and, of course, my unmet sons in law who will have a Bible's length of reading to catch up on the when/what/where/how/who of their missing bling from my girls.
No one is going to tell this tale of April 2007's thieving better than I and, as we see, new guilt, new excrement keeps adding to the fabric of filcherie.
18 September 2012
A place-marker. i want to write a piece about this for Corfu Grapevine/Cofu Mouse.
17 September 2012
If Tomlinson hadn't been so drunk ~ Harwood mother-in-law.
Ach! If only the stupid moo had piped up earlier, we might have had some fun with it.
15 September 2012
~ Daily Telegraph ~
He and I chatted on the 'phone and before I'd tilted the cap off the first Guinness, et voilà!, Damian had hammered out an online laurel.

Isabella actually played a recording of this moving rendering and I slightly teased her at the service for not singing it 'live'.
She said she could not have kept hold of her emotions.
When I played it later alone back home on my computer, I was blubbing by the third verse and had to hit 'pause' before I made a complete crybaby fool of myself in front of the animals.
How John would have been chuckling.
Again I say - and again - Well played, that man.
3-D painting
~ Seattle spider attaque ~
06 September 2012
I've stopped saying that I 'mixed' with Christopher Hitchens. I hovered on the fringe of the Amis/Wheatcroft/Hamilton/New Staggers crowd and swam into focus whenever I was toting an author of interest ~ Bellow, Fuentes, Jong, Oz ... Piers' cannibals.
I never came into Hitch's focus which explains my unwavering admiration.
I post this review because it moved me and and sent me back to re-read passages and even copy out the passage about,
“For me to remember friendship is to recall those conversations that it seemed a sin to break off: the ones that made the sacrifice of the following day a trivial one.”I'm going to send it to my shrink who accused me of winding him up by swearing that i'd never a hangover I didn't like. Hitch nailed what i was struggling to say.
But after going on about it and dabbing my eyes, i declared that i would *not* post it on Facebook that had the keeper of my conscience pursing lips and narrowing lids.
Why not? Too long, too morbid, too 'heavy'? Too private? Above everyone else's head?
And yes that's the pic i'm going with because that's how remember him and how i read him.
Bra- bra- bravo just thinking of writing about commentaria.
I've tinkered with it in the recesses of my mind but been too scared to put digit to keyboard.
Good springboards for further thought, not to mention magnet for the silliest comments yet:
The situation is particularly bad for female colleagues who have the temerity to write or, worse, appear in a YouTube video.
YouTube is home to the élite imperial guard of internet idiocy."
Wonderful last sentence, that.
Cue the divine Keyboard Warrieure who seems to have spawned so many imitators that I couldnt find it on Youtube and had to go back to my original blog post.
05 September 2012
That's torn it. Could not get Google album to behave so that i sent this to an exclusive list of fellow guests - thus avoiding the criticism recently breathed down my ear that, "Actually, dear boy, it's not really done to take photographs at private parties, let alone pubish them for all to see."
So I'm reduced to posting a link au blog spot for all the riff-raff to see and give the lie to my line about living la vida far from loco.
02 September 2012
"Truth as a transitory, flexible concept."
People chide me:
"Why don't you give it a rest ~ the filching, the luluthia stench of theft, Villa Thefti, Elginiasmos?Enough already."
I tell them, don't ask about my Rehab, I'll say no, no, no.
Miles too much energy still pumping ... spirit's sailing, venom flailing, truth unveiling on those vain vile years.
They don't look convinced, and why should they? They just stood by simpering and being waited on, they weren't hock-deep in mendacious excrement.
I cannot wait to have them guess this passage.
It's coverage of the 'Battle of the Billionaires', but it could just as well be describiing Villa Thefti or defining my five years, eight months here.
Judge Dame Elizabeth Gloster delivers a spot-on summary.
I was having a quiet one down the 'Sweet & Savory' when my drinking companion exploded,
"Fuck me! If I wasn't reading it here I'd think it was one of your blogs nailing yer mum's famous porkies.
Listen to this: dot dot dot ... "
“ ... Regarded truth as a transitory, flexible concept, which could be moulded to suit current purposes ... At times dot dot dot ... inherently dishonest; sometimes, clearly making evidence up as [he] went along ... At other times, gained the impression blah blah not necessarily being dishonest, but deluded self into believing his own version of events.”
By the dementia of Demonica! Wonderful. Wonderful. Talk about nailing the filth of five years bang to rights.
I must post this for all the weakling wankers that stood by and watched my pathetic
"Yes, mum, no, mum,
Green fingers five, mum."[Considerably Bowdlerised from what I sang in the chain-gang].
Also to my girls and I hope they include it with explanations to their blokes-to-be why their old man didn't leave no personal jewelry for his darlings to pass on.
Wonderful. And bravo that Lizzie Gloster and her turns of phrase.
[Don't you love my skilled juxta-snapping of the theft-ugly insect with vile treadmill gardenry? Says it in one.]
01 September 2012
~ and those photos ~
"Instead of a story about the prince's latest indiscretions, which would have blown over fairly quickly, we now have a story about attempts by the royal family to restrict the ability of the British press to publish information freely available via the internet across the globe."
"How can press not run Harry pix when all over the net? If real, Harry security risk - blackmail target. Public interest in their exposure."
Actually, I dont see how downer I could de-dress you after that little tea party in Loss Vegas. So, to to point two: donating your wages to charity.
Hmm, no reason to be too hasty. If you'd just slip me the phone number of the young lady with the impressive 30-mil bazookas, I think we can call the matter closed.
By the way, everything under control at home? Granny in good spirits? Splendid! Give her my regards.
Met her once, pinned this medal on me. Proudest moment of my life. Just in case I've slipped her mind - name's Smythe, with a 'y'. Not be confused with Air Commodore Smith. Joined after me, did Smitty ... couldnt stand the blighter. Still managed to get promoted over me. Damn'd curious ... Gran might like to look into it, what? There's a good chap."
Rockets? Can do. Flight plan? Ah right, sir, hush-hush job, it is. GPS, sir? That Afghan terrain can be tricky."
'Thank you, no. I think I can find the fucking Sun newspaper on my own, thanks very much'
"Right you are, sir ... cleared for take-off"
Harry offered $10M to star in own porn.
Hmm, if he doesnt watch his wasted steps, he'll be walking his amnesiac ass into a well-stitched paternity suit.
Usually, letters in Athens News with English names or UK addresses are a load of whingeing drivel, telling us how to run our lives or moaning about us not trying hard enough to enhance theirs.
The tax receipt letters I reproduce here are quite interesting and the paper's reply as to what constitutes a proper receipt is something I might print out and carry around on me.