I don't do or have much in my life so I try to keep alive to the 'spark'.
Of late I've been driving around
with Jim Potts' fine blues rocking my car stereo.
I became intrigued by hobo blues - someone even sent me a trivia piece on the meaning of hobo - but I found myself writing it for the local ferries that plough our wine-dark waters, and at the same time I latched onto Baddeley-sahib's ubiquitous bicycle and his all-too convincing cloth cap.

Best I've heard and I may be re-shaping my ferry-hobo lyrics to do justice to the Master.
When I first took to hoboing,
I took a ferry to be my friend,
Those salt-sea days of hoboing,
Ventouris ferries were my friend,
Rode from Igoumenitsa,
Whoa, down to the Corfu end.
When I first took to hoboing I had a cloth cap and a bike,
My first time merry ferryin', folksy cloth cap, trusty bike,
10 gears on that baby and a natty Burberry stripe
[by my troth!]

Can't stand that saddle bunch,
I've got no mind to tandem,
Don't like no saddle crunch,
There's a blue light on the back wheel
Derailleur gears in front.
(Carrie gets up singin' n cryin')

The Ionian dark as wine,
Hear those props a-throbb-oing, cleaving the Odyssean brine,
All my years at sea, can't keep of time.

Hoboing hoboing hoboing, took F/B Siren for my friend,
Hoboing hoboing hoboing
Pedal 'til the end,
Can you hear that lonesome whistle
Coming round the Kavos bend.

I love these 'sparks' when they happen: I hear the chords in my head and when I get home I know exactly which knobs to hit on the amp to get the sounds and tone I'm after.
Comment chorus - inspired by Sinbad:
Thump thump moan holler (foot keeping the beat)
Called that gal to breakfast, 'caint you see the north wind's risen?'
Told that woman 'rise and shine, that mean mean north wind's risen,
They's servin' apr'cot jam and cawfee,
Better be there, ain't nuthin' for the missing.
[she just turned over and went back to her snoring]
There's a sparkling sea a-stir, stab of bright slab through the haze,
That sparkling sea's a-stir, touch of grey smudge to the haze,
Schooners scudding north and south,
Every which way thru the wild Otranto Straits.