14 December 2014
06 December 2014
this demure ditty goes out to red-back webber, 'Luminati Lambaster, Doc Tsigounis out of Melbourne, Oz: Kalo taxidi and a safe christmas homecoming to pets and family
05 December 2014
BOTTOM ARTICLE - where he talks of Helen Tsigounis
BOTTOM ARTICLE - where he talks of Helen Tsigounis
TSIGOUNIS TALE Doggèd bastion of Old Boy's club - helen hassled.
Tale of Hounding - see Tsigounis "If only it were just Dr Patel. There's another Queensland case, somewhat less publicised, because no-one died, but equally alarming. The Queensland Medical Board attempted to cancel the registration of Helen Tsigounis, claiming she had not satisfactorily completed her Townsville Hospital internship. On Ms Tsigounis' appeal, the Board was directed to extend her internship by a year (see Tsigounis v Medical Board of Queensland, QDC103). This despite an unnerving catalogue of potentially fatal errors and the court's acceptance of psychiatric evidence stating the appelant suffers from a paranoid personality disorder which renders her unable to distinguish correction from attack, and makes her incapable of learning through experience. How many more such cases are coming soon to a hospital near you? For those who wish to be further alarmed, Nicholas Shakespeare's article in June's The Monthly "Oh My God. He's Done It Again" should suffice."
Tale of Hounding - see Tsigounis "If only it were just Dr Patel. There's another Queensland case, somewhat less publicised, because no-one died, but equally alarming. The Queensland Medical Board attempted to cancel the registration of Helen Tsigounis, claiming she had not satisfactorily completed her Townsville Hospital internship. On Ms Tsigounis' appeal, the Board was directed to extend her internship by a year (see Tsigounis v Medical Board of Queensland, QDC103). This despite an unnerving catalogue of potentially fatal errors and the court's acceptance of psychiatric evidence stating the appelant suffers from a paranoid personality disorder which renders her unable to distinguish correction from attack, and makes her incapable of learning through experience. How many more such cases are coming soon to a hospital near you? For those who wish to be further alarmed, Nicholas Shakespeare's article in June's The Monthly "Oh My God. He's Done It Again" should suffice."
04 December 2014
Another plug for Dottore Tsigounis' "Redback Web", and my reason for attending the church on time.
Some feedback coming in from as far away as my Sydney birthplace
HELEN TSIGOUNIS red back web - also the IA. for keeping tabs on to see how this one fares
helen - HTC Navili naughty table. Melbourne-bound, Kerkyra Dec 2014
keeping the doc away - i'm trying not to get too paranoid about Doc Tsigounis
helen - HTC Navili naughty table. Melbourne-bound, Kerkyra Dec 2014
keeping the doc away - i'm trying not to get too paranoid about Doc Tsigounis
03 December 2014
01 December 2014
cab-gate - i never took to blind pew, he struck me as uttterly bogus and a flake, to boot. here, he backs me up to the hilt which is also what i never intended. real pleb-dom. country going to the dogs
28 November 2014
BOTCHGATE - TIPOTA and i only post this as my age-old ... 'wariness' of El Ploddo. ignore me; it's entirely personal.
Another brick in the wall. purely patient and personal, beyond the plebgate farce and all it sums up.
26 November 2014
pumped up and pompous - pumpedgate. we're moving perilously near toffgate huits back - . tumbrils will roll.
25 November 2014
plebgate 2 - blunkgate - except blind pugh sefined non-U and all my pals on the speccie complaind n mocked how she mewled n mauled n pussy whipped his sorry ass.
PLEBBY TEMPER - uh ohh, don't sound good. Sounds like our lad was prone to plebby tantrums. I hate to let the Filth off the hook but ....
21 November 2014
Fruity Filthgate - descending to almost as farcical depths as those plumbed by the Met itself in its daily villainy. very fitting.
19 November 2014
plebgate - ignorant. of course the Filth didnt know what it meant, he's an ignorant pleb. im much cheered the way the wheels are grinding slow and humiliating. no one will be called to account because they'll close ranks but at least it's coming out and more people are seeing what goes on within the grunting midian hosts.
17 November 2014
PLEBGATE LIBEL CASE MOVES SLOWLY APACE: excellent news. siga siga and out with the dirty tricks laundry. May Fibgate foil the Filth yet and the findings be widely and publicly reported. A space to watch and noise abroad.
13 November 2014
mazher mamood cornered - wish i was back in the saddle when this sidewinder was in our sights, jeremy sandford and the other scribblers n PPC stalwarts. i pray he gets the deservèd duffing
11 November 2014
fake chic. the reptilian mazhur will feel his collar felt yet. i n many will not regret; in fact i wish i swere there to pile on the evidency, whi ch wwe have in spades.
06 November 2014
stress ~ why my distressing stroke affected me so oddly n in so many ways. my girls saw me thru. ever in debt
04 November 2014
plodgate probe. u know how i generally feel about the Filth, in general, so i'll shut it. i cant anyway stick it to the fuzz like they can step in deep do-do theyselves. one to watch, no that they'll be btought to book. have us seen that lot? as oily a bunch as ever fibbed and faked. straight out of central castin dodger coppers.
01 November 2014
the thing one did - and after only 2 weeks at my first 'grown-up' school, I stood alone in a lavatory, looked in the mirror, and made myself promise never to do 'this' to another human being.
30 October 2014
29 October 2014
Dementia repeatia reportia ~ have nowt 2 do; scram a mile; count the family silver; rewrite yer Will; avaunt vile gardenry
27 October 2014
That's what i call pickin'. my carer gone essex way for a few weeks. blissfully seul; gonna get the axe out and strum me me some
26 October 2014
25 October 2014
24 October 2014
21 October 2014
20 October 2014
19 October 2014
16 October 2014
the blues trail. oh peau peau ... !! me n little jimmy potts should be on this. even the name.
i must try to watch it but i dont get bbc too good up in vouvia heights. more anon
15 October 2014
a fuller page, it seems, submitted by a sleuthing irregulière on the trail of simpsonia. also news of al-anon eng lang, corfers chapter but not to splash around. lawks, i wonder what came of those earnest big bookistas. so serious. id not choose qny of them for a session, save davy simpers of ample quaff ans he really blew a good job. oh man. i'll never trust a recovering alchie again n nor will anna.
DEMENTIA REPEATIA - hear hear, i should say, and then 10 mins later a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time ad repeatia nauseam. anyone in their own lunacy, contemplating committing caregivery: read this 20 times, during which i will steal up n put a merciful bullet in yr bonce and save you appalling misery down the line. no no dont thank me, yr relief as it dawns on you the horreurs i've saved you will be reward enow.
14 October 2014
CORFU CREATIVOI oh how funny. this link alone will keep my corfuciosi irregulières distracted and amused.
webster's very useful blog from his pages in the Oldie or di u nean http://www.webstersblog.co.uk? my eyes dont work a damn.
and if u add an /malware, u get all sorts of freebies
and if u add an /malware, u get all sorts of freebies
13 October 2014
monday october 13 ~ oscar Pistolius day - i guess Ozzie must be wondering the same thing as the judge tots up how many moons he'll do in the slammer
12 October 2014
03 October 2014
02 October 2014
ALCOOL CARER - Corfucières irregulières' despatch .... everyone's in on the sleuth, Pink palace to Palaio, magda to Mavtouki, naxos to Nausicaa's nookery
01 October 2014
palatially pink: devoted corfucières readers monitor this page too closely. out of the void plonks a clever link that i recall wesley pressing for back when. my younger spitfire carer goes "phew!" when we reminisce over Operation Closecall.
Blogger scouts report elsewhere sightings. thanks, chaps, but it's old news, old quarry. moving on ...
more hongkong - i'm in touch with old HK pals, one of whom - well placed in the government, writes: "I'm simultaneously filled with trepidation for the possible consequences and admiration for the courage of those who are defending their turf against these unwarranted premature incursions from China.
I'm told CY Leung actually proposed using brute force to President Xi Jinping! If so, what a loathsome traitor he is to his own people."http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1604986/umbrella-revolution-weathers-storm-and-cy-leung-admits-protests-set
I'm told CY Leung actually proposed using brute force to President Xi Jinping! If so, what a loathsome traitor he is to his own people."http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1604986/umbrella-revolution-weathers-storm-and-cy-leung-admits-protests-set
debt management partner = terribly funny, using poll to net cheats. good word, 'debt management partner'. wish i'd thought of it when reploying to my atttorney over my own plans for repaying a recent debt run up during accidental vesting of family shares and online-banking movement of funds while managing a 'correction' of 'mis-aligned' assets between UK/Greek bank accounts
30 September 2014
25 September 2014
people come n they see me thriving n they look for the famous flagon of Alcool zand they see teresa and they go 'so ...? whither simpsonia?"
mazher minced - as i say, i crossed swords with this rattler over jerry sandford. good to see him netted. there be some out there with heavier revenge to extract so we'll see how the dice roll. leo clancy knows what im talking about; helen B. too
ice berg tip, i'm sure. filth flub, hand in the persecution till. so what's new? theyre never brought to account, its chance caseskike like this but joe publiwque dont give a dammnm.
24 September 2014
21A - im sure the nice lady at the landlords has fed me this before ... ok, i guess. maybe a leaden hint, as the porter suggests. london now costlier rentals than hongkong i read some place. all grist for t'mill.
23 September 2014
Charlotte Higgins - let's see if i can pull this off despite my zapped optic nerve. ive forgotten how to edit in blogger so it might be patchy. i've scored a facebook hit with my posting of the wonderful Balliolene higgins' use of euripedes' medea. not hard to understand when my faithful followership is so largely blighty babes hitched to adonoi griks: i quote me: "i read to mrs R from charlotte higgins' wonderful 'its all greek to me', from euripedes medea. mrs R has had her share of new laws etc. she sits in bemused silence. "give me that book!" she says finally.
Let euripedes speak: http://www.amazon.com/Its-All-Greek-Me-Hippocratic/dp/1906021430
"a foreign woman coming among new laws, New customs, needs the skill of magic to find out what her home could not teach her. How to treat the man whose bed she shares. And if in this exacting toil we are successful and our husband does not struggle under the marriage yoke, our life is enviable. Otherwise, death is better. If a man grows tired of the company at home, he can go out and find a cure for tediousness, we wives are forced to look to one man only. And they tell us we at home live free from danger, they go out to battle : fools! i'd rather stand 3 times in the front line than bear one child." The delightful ms higgins adds her own author comment - "Go sister!". such a good book
MAGDA AND HER PINK PALACE HOTELShttp://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1191902-d264028-Reviews-The_Pink_Palace-Agios_Gordios_Corfu_Ionian_Islands.html ...
22 September 2014
HOT BLAIR - i'm frankly surprised to see the disgraced discredited poodle blair given a platform anywhere for his irrelevant wafflings.
21 September 2014
someone helpful in maman's landlords sending me pointed updates in re her pee'd a terre ... mais qui? poios;
16 September 2014
15 September 2014
OAKLEY HOUSE - friendly chat with helpful gal with maman's landlords. also rendezvous with some old booksy pals, hopefully next wk in the Antelope. all seems so distant.
13 September 2014
are u getting the wondrous kaliroe? i'mhaving a Raoul-binge and remembering that scally-wag and playing the wonderful sounds he gave to my life.
12 September 2014
DORSET ROCKS! LANKY JIM KNEW THIS ALL ALONG. bloody CAPS. bloody eyes, more like. blind today, bare see postolero pistorius on the box collect his tkt to clinky sans passing go. he'll be better greeted than rolfie, tho'
10 September 2014
art of marjorie holmes in her last months when she was bedridden, my mother liked to gaze over her brilliasnt drawings. preciently, in her final month sh decvided to sort ythe besdt of ythe very best and we insulated n bubbl wrapped them tucked them away. ive been insulating them again against ther weather n dust n marveling at their beauty. ythr bulk of thre drawingsd are also safe n dry but its interesting to think that this video boastsd the artist's own choice. music by a uk duo who entertained us at a private concert. enjoy. ch
07 September 2014
drat spam. my readership moans that the quality of roobish im sendingt out is getting worse.
latest gmail spam seems to be this, if ive copied it right.
sorry. things fraught here but weather sunnying up - tootlepip. must rush to met aomeone evaluating the clunky laura knight painting prop that rumor hath was promised to susie catweazle but, as i keep saying, ever since i was tipped orf that maman told S everything , and i hooked up the puter to tap the landline 24/7, i never heard any call or convo of mum even mentioning the easel intended for susie q -nor was any reference to art materials or marbled art papier "all in writing". very rum, including ythe precise wherabouts of the juggernaut easel. im having it evaluatyeed for provenance n e-baylability. all very sneaky.
06 September 2014
my aorldwide family readership watches me like a hawk and comments as if it was still Moscow Rules (thanks le Carré).
since my stroke im slower n more strategic, storing up links for when i 'strike'.
good links when i see them, covering the water front, from easel Knievel suzanna catweazel to thefti pieces of work and will o'wisp Wills.
siga siga
03 September 2014
02 September 2014
WILL - i really must stop reading the express but this is a pertinent article. [link to be inserted, from daily express. if i cant manage it, look to a subseaquent post in 45 secs
ive come a cropper from a less than thorough Will, as have i protected myself with a cast-iron one with names, photos, google earth addresses, precise dates and descriptions etc etc. Of course, it also helped that i 'anticipated' fall-out and 'rearranged the deck chairs' before the legal beagles got started. also, a close friend of my mother's to whom maman tol everything astutely warned me of trouble looming oop 't mill by pretty well describing everything that would happen ... giving me time to sort thru the crown jewels before even anything was official. - including announcing plans for the catweazel easel that still awaits collection. so much for all the huffing and puffing and blowing jewel bos down. but piece of work to peace of work, so no huge egos dented ... everyone should revisit their Wills on an annual basis.
01 September 2014
PLEBGATE-GATE ~terribly funny. shock horreur - la verite ... unheard of. on yer bikes, filtheroos - tee hee
30 August 2014
dorgeous day. new haircutmakes me feel fit n lean. an alert reader asked if i wanted the whole world to reak my brothers suggestion to go a little easy on flogging off the family bling and souvenirs - which of course i didnt so good catch there. visitors galore today but no buyers alas. the easel intended for catweazel (apparrently - none of my 24/7 buggings of our landline make any reference to maman wanting the laura knight easel to go to susie, who herself told me '[oh fugeddit!) ... but no matter because she gave me the best tip about scarpering with the bling before even the funeral, and chose the hiding place in that anonymous chest which was perfect hiding place til id gone thru it all and allocated the girls' stuff.
the email sbout going easy on the selling is pinned to the easel n is the first thing 'Friends of san luca see when they arrive n drop simpering gasrdeny hints about buying spare botanical drawings and mum's marbled art paper. all tucked away,, phew, or safely 'in writing' [cruel joke]. the top 10 bestest plant drawings were in the big plastic carrier folder and moved to the study once the jewels were packaged up and out.
wish my camera worked to snap the heater boiler that crashed down right where my jewel box was; woulda killed anyone filching my tie pins n links. around the same time - 1:15am that my girls' box was conveniently added to the suitcase bound for villa thefti, 11 march 2007. date for infamy, as i used to whine at maman.
21 August 2014
my family is embroiled in disputing badly handled LW&Ts. after susie tipped me orff ref funeral-day concealment and advised how to clinch maternal bling, made darned tootin sure i redressed balance for Piece of Wurk.
laura K easel still AWOL but S' last words were "oh forget it!" so i will. let sleeping funds freeze, as they say in Dawsonia
20 August 2014
DEMENTIA ~ i had my fill of dementia repeatia. I boil with rage at reports like this.
just fronking keep them ... awaaay from me.- enuff is 5yrs 8months' too much
19 August 2014
filthbook - oh lawdy, dont say pc plod fancies his nimbleness on social meedja. it'll be a farce. of course they cocked it up trying to form their own groups. notebook and licked pencil is all Dobbin can hansle, as Filthgate rammed home. but how funny - this may have legs n of course Cliffgate will be resolved with more revelations
18 August 2014
17 August 2014
beeb bollocksing ~ Filth fury over Media-cosy raid - ha ha, lets hope heads roll, arrogant medja creeps, picked on the wrong saint there!
16 August 2014
cliffgate ~ damn'd right 'completely unacceptable.' may this rolling thunder build n build n fuzzy heads roll.
15 August 2014
In Portugal: Sir Cliff pledged to fully co-operate with the police inquiryIn a statement Sir Cliff said: "For many months I have been aware of allegations against me of historic impropriety which have been circulating online.
Sir Cliff Richard at Wimbledon in 1996Conservative MP Nigel Evans, 56, referred to the case in reiterating his call for suspects in sex offence cases to get anonymity and said "questions have got to be answered" over Sir Cliff's claims the press had been notified about the search.
"Since the search took place a number of people have contacted the police to provide information and we must acknowledge that the media played a part in that, for which we are grateful."
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Thames Valley Police said it had no contact with the media before the search warrant was executed.
The investigation is focused on an alleged assault claimed to have taken place on a boy under 16 at an appearance by American evangelist Billy Graham in Sheffield in 1985.
Officers took a number of items from the property for further investigation after yesterday's search.
"The allegations are completely false. Up until now I have chosen not to dignify the false allegations with a response, as it would just give them more oxygen.
"However, the police attended my apartment in Berkshire without notice, except it would appear to the press.
"I am not presently in the UK but it goes without saying that I will co-operate fully should the police wish to speak to me.
"Beyond stating that today's allegation is completely false it would not be appropriate to say anything further until the police investigation has concluded."
Mr Evans, who was cleared of a string of alleged sex offences at a trial earlier this year, told Good Morning Britain: "It appears the press knew what was happening before he did and the world's media were camped outside his doorstep.
"A press helicopter was up before the police even arrived - he is quite right to be angry about that. Questions have got to be answered.
"I believe in the vast majority of cases (suspects) should have anonymity. We have to recognise the impact this has on people.
"People have zero per cent of the facts and 100% of the opinions. It's quite wrong for people to pre-judge."
Former director of public prosecutions Keir Starmer has previously said that there should be "wriggle room" for naming suspects on arrest, as publicity can lead to more alleged victims coming forward.
Born as Harry Webb in Lucknow, India, in 1940, Sir Cliff has become one of the most enduring stars of his time, with hits including Devil Woman and Living Doll.
He was knighted in 1995, the first rock star to be so honoured, and performed at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee concert at Buckingham Palace in 2012.
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