30 August 2014
dorgeous day. new haircutmakes me feel fit n lean. an alert reader asked if i wanted the whole world to reak my brothers suggestion to go a little easy on flogging off the family bling and souvenirs - which of course i didnt so good catch there. visitors galore today but no buyers alas. the easel intended for catweazel (apparrently - none of my 24/7 buggings of our landline make any reference to maman wanting the laura knight easel to go to susie, who herself told me '[oh fugeddit!) ... but no matter because she gave me the best tip about scarpering with the bling before even the funeral, and chose the hiding place in that anonymous chest which was perfect hiding place til id gone thru it all and allocated the girls' stuff.
the email sbout going easy on the selling is pinned to the easel n is the first thing 'Friends of san luca see when they arrive n drop simpering gasrdeny hints about buying spare botanical drawings and mum's marbled art paper. all tucked away,, phew, or safely 'in writing' [cruel joke]. the top 10 bestest plant drawings were in the big plastic carrier folder and moved to the study once the jewels were packaged up and out.
wish my camera worked to snap the heater boiler that crashed down right where my jewel box was; woulda killed anyone filching my tie pins n links. around the same time - 1:15am that my girls' box was conveniently added to the suitcase bound for villa thefti, 11 march 2007. date for infamy, as i used to whine at maman.
21 August 2014
my family is embroiled in disputing badly handled LW&Ts. after susie tipped me orff ref funeral-day concealment and advised how to clinch maternal bling, made darned tootin sure i redressed balance for Piece of Wurk.
laura K easel still AWOL but S' last words were "oh forget it!" so i will. let sleeping funds freeze, as they say in Dawsonia
20 August 2014
DEMENTIA ~ i had my fill of dementia repeatia. I boil with rage at reports like this.
just fronking keep them ... awaaay from me.- enuff is 5yrs 8months' too much
19 August 2014
filthbook - oh lawdy, dont say pc plod fancies his nimbleness on social meedja. it'll be a farce. of course they cocked it up trying to form their own groups. notebook and licked pencil is all Dobbin can hansle, as Filthgate rammed home. but how funny - this may have legs n of course Cliffgate will be resolved with more revelations
18 August 2014
17 August 2014
beeb bollocksing ~ Filth fury over Media-cosy raid - ha ha, lets hope heads roll, arrogant medja creeps, picked on the wrong saint there!
16 August 2014
cliffgate ~ damn'd right 'completely unacceptable.' may this rolling thunder build n build n fuzzy heads roll.
15 August 2014
In Portugal: Sir Cliff pledged to fully co-operate with the police inquiryIn a statement Sir Cliff said: "For many months I have been aware of allegations against me of historic impropriety which have been circulating online.
Sir Cliff Richard at Wimbledon in 1996Conservative MP Nigel Evans, 56, referred to the case in reiterating his call for suspects in sex offence cases to get anonymity and said "questions have got to be answered" over Sir Cliff's claims the press had been notified about the search.
"Since the search took place a number of people have contacted the police to provide information and we must acknowledge that the media played a part in that, for which we are grateful."
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Thames Valley Police said it had no contact with the media before the search warrant was executed.
The investigation is focused on an alleged assault claimed to have taken place on a boy under 16 at an appearance by American evangelist Billy Graham in Sheffield in 1985.
Officers took a number of items from the property for further investigation after yesterday's search.
"The allegations are completely false. Up until now I have chosen not to dignify the false allegations with a response, as it would just give them more oxygen.
"However, the police attended my apartment in Berkshire without notice, except it would appear to the press.
"I am not presently in the UK but it goes without saying that I will co-operate fully should the police wish to speak to me.
"Beyond stating that today's allegation is completely false it would not be appropriate to say anything further until the police investigation has concluded."
Mr Evans, who was cleared of a string of alleged sex offences at a trial earlier this year, told Good Morning Britain: "It appears the press knew what was happening before he did and the world's media were camped outside his doorstep.
"A press helicopter was up before the police even arrived - he is quite right to be angry about that. Questions have got to be answered.
"I believe in the vast majority of cases (suspects) should have anonymity. We have to recognise the impact this has on people.
"People have zero per cent of the facts and 100% of the opinions. It's quite wrong for people to pre-judge."
Former director of public prosecutions Keir Starmer has previously said that there should be "wriggle room" for naming suspects on arrest, as publicity can lead to more alleged victims coming forward.
Born as Harry Webb in Lucknow, India, in 1940, Sir Cliff has become one of the most enduring stars of his time, with hits including Devil Woman and Living Doll.
He was knighted in 1995, the first rock star to be so honoured, and performed at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee concert at Buckingham Palace in 2012.
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