Good HickoryDrug-fuelled Nights? ~ Denise Fergus to meet Jack Straw ... nice little foto op ... blather blather ... but what I liked was the reference to Venal Balls returning for 'drug-fuelled nights'. If they're not drug-fuelled, they don't make the grade with the 4th Estate.
'Complex Factors' - A former Director of Public Prosecutions, Sir Ken Macdonald, tells Beeb Today presenter Evan Davis that "complex factors are at play."
'Extremely serious claim' - the scent hottens.
FURIOUS BRITONS ~ I do love The Sun.
Talk about busy and unruly.
Aye, if you want to take the temperature of bully-boy righteous Britannia, this is where to insert the thermometer.
What's that line about the British public in one of its periodic fits of morality?"
Well, there's nowt periodic about the poop this redtop peddles - it's constant and incarnadine.
Hence its perfect role as attack-dog conscience of the rest of us in hounding VenalBalls.

Can't you just see the slavering News Editor crafting this update we've been waiting for.
"Not the 'police', we're playing hardball now. They're 'cops' - and speaking of which, that's the last 'drink' I'm pouring down that c*** of a filing clerk until she starts coming up with the lowdown. I'll give her 'secrecy' FFS - that's for the c***ing Little People".
Sun reveals shock issue world exclusive:
"New details emerged about Venables' return to jail — and the incredible secrecy surrounding it.He was taken to the unnamed prison by two plain-clothes cops in an unmarked car with tinted windows.
Only the most senior staff knew of his arrival.
The car was driven into a secure reception area and staff were banned from even looking in his direction.
Unusually, they were not told the identity of the cops who delivered him, and were instructed to make no official note of the car.
Neither Venables' fingerprints nor photo appear on jail records - just his new name."
Ooh, I bet the knives are out over that. No more fat retainers for well-placed grass roots informers. Wot? All them brown envelopes slipped under the table and still Sun reptiles are kept in the dark. This bodes no boot, as Lennon had it 'in his own write'.Sickening Sex Crime that will horrify the nation. Sun has 'exact details' (but they're not allowed to say, so expect every outu, roundu, overu, and innu-endo they can get away with until - whoops! - the horrifying truth slips out.
No report complete - wivaht a pronouncement from Kato Anorakiana - Straw forced to meet the pouting Denise. Forced? Blimey, I'd be selling tickets.
CHILD PORN ~ As if the poor bugger wasn't already sufficiently buggered, now they're saying he's back in the In à cause de porn, which means he's really buggered.
If I were him, I'd apply my creative attention to topping meself and escaping this mortal cul de sac, and I do mean cul as in cutta.
Mistaken ID: the only problem with handing a lynch mob a loaded internet is that they will *very* soon want results, and if the real bloke doesnt have the decency to be hunted down, a substitute has to do. No one does this periodic fit bit better than today's Brit.
Man of Straw ~ cordial quitter in venal balls quiz
Prosecution slammed ~ By t'heck that was a good tip to buy shares in the movie. This is going somewhere and Central Casting will be working overtime.
Vera Farmiga for ProseCUTE-ress Maggie Atkinson - yes yes yess!
Sack Maggie! ~ enter the delectable Denise. Cat fight!
[Note to broker: Pick up another 20 thou' shares before they cast Megan Fox as Ms Atkinson's secretary.
MF: "Mizz Acheson? Jock Straw on Line One."MA: "Tell him I'm busy!"
"Aww ~ and he sounded so nice ... like that cute British accent totally rocks"]
The Venables Rub
20 x 24/7 ~ Ugh, I fear for venal balls. As I've said somewhere else and definitely not passim, I have had the briefest of whispered brushes with the hem of Her Majesty's hospitality and it was clear from clang one that if the inmates want to get at someone, at they will get.
The screws may look flat faced and guardianly but all they're concerned with is not being carpeted with dereliction of duty. It's like a good accountant finding a way to evade a pesky tax.
[Incidentally, my father always held that it is a duty to evade tax and a crime to avoid it. I notice that some pillars of the press no longer spot the distinction.]
As I was saying, the screws apply themselves to finding the loophole by which they cannot be faulted but the unfortunate target still gets done. The guards above all know on which side their wotsits get whetted.
Cocky Venables lording it - someone at this newspaper is determined to stir it.
British Witch hunt at its Foulest ~ this is the sort of rabid writing for which I so closely monitor Project Venal Balls. Splendid stuff and it even has one of those creepy pseudo friendly Childrens Hour names - Uncle Monty.
As long as the Montys are out there churning out this sort of rabble-rousery, the Venal Ballsups of society can stay very afraid.
Muthas of Invention - Private Eye good as ever on nailing the reptiles.
Huntley slashed ~ These things are catching.
The next chiv almost certainly has Venal Balls' nomen on it.
But plenty of time 'til the next Full Moon Melt-down: March 30, Pesach, first day of Passover, which is a bit of a laugh.
Do you hear the rolling thunder, Jon?
Ian Jon, Jon Ian.
Zut alors, almost twinned - rearrange the following into a notorious child killer.
Crazy enough for you?
The Tabloid Beasting of Venables ~ Goodness, the fine titles coming out of this BulgerBalls Brouhaha - and who'd've guessed that Anorak would lead the field?
Crazy Media Beasts ‘Evil’ Jon Venables - that is a verbatim line from the Anorakiana stable. Ayup, there's imagery for you, guys and gals.
Poisonous relationship ~ between tabloid eds and pols.