Absolutely splendid Spring/Summer issue of My Kerkyra - your Kerkyra if you're on the ball.
Ideal for:
Ideal for:

- Coffee table
- All guest rooms
- Loos
- Glove compartment of the Roller
Articles in this issue include:
Palaio-K ~ One of many fine articles by the prolific and literate Natassa Dafni ~ surely a jewel in the CorfuPress crown ~ this one on our belovèd Palaio, of Consul Forte fame and rumoured home-crib of Alkinoos Rex.

Corfu - Heaven on Earth. What sounds to be a heavenly must-buy video ~ perfect gift and souvenir - listed as available here from Corfu Press but I couldn't see it.
Mind you, the video is also listed under kerkyra.eu which suggests I "Buy this domain - The name (domain name) kerkyra.eu is for sale", so go figure.
Discover Ionia ~ Corfu ~ Paxos ~ Kefalonia ~ Zakynthos ~ Ithaca ~ Lefkas

Horse Riding ~ and other hobbies. Explore the versatile link.
Glorious and glossy ~ A sassy and snappy mag I make sure to seize off the news racks the moment it appears.
Caveat ~ a few misleading links, such as the resuscitation of the much-missed Durrell School, but otherwise you're good to go.
* Bravo Editor-in-Chief, Thomas S. Kitsaros, for a fine feat of consistent quality and an eye for for the right story.
Speaking of staying ahead of the curve, I can't wait to see the definitive job the MK team make of our island's fine crafts-personnes d'art.

- Who's in and who's tactlessfully 'out'. (My dear, the sulks, stamps and the tantrums! Three stars for 'Dafnila by Dawn', pointed thumbs-down for 'Chick on a Donkey'.)
- The gushes and crushes, the raves and the razor-jobs - and, my favourites, the delectable damnings with faint praise.
But I digress.
To pluck but a few of the Right Stuff from the sulphorous thin air ~
- Book-binder élégante, Olga Tseflika and la suprema, Victoria Drew
- Trinketière and entrepreneuse artistique, Angela Wicker.
- Caroline Philp, whose Kyma treasure-trove wave of wonders defies superlatives and about whom I shall one day crow, "Told you so!" as the auctioneer's gavel thumps down on, "Million and half guineas. 'Ronja and frisbee en vol'; gouache; 110 x 79. Sold to Prince Abdulaziz."
- Prince of Palettières, Richard Hewlett
- So many others ...
Great magazine. Zinging with the Corfu zeitgeist.
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