MJ the dancer
We shouldn't forget ... he was damn'd good.
Oyez Oyez! Major gig stage left
My fellow fogey fretters are always complaining I don't tell them about the real action around here.
Dudes. It's my inner Groucho subconsciously not wanting to pass on word to anyone so out of touch that you need to hear about it from the hors-de-touche likes of moi.
But this is different because it is right on my patch and the band are all my buddies.
Loipon, hie yer asses down to Kondόkali (or 'Kondo-karly' as y'all seem to pernounce it) and cop an earful of raunchy blues.
The European Council meeting in Brussels on June 18 and 19 marks the end of the Czech EU Presidency
I see I have scribbled on this before:
Brilliant. The upside equivalent of my favorite Hamlet summary, "Spook King demands death probe". Anyway, I'm delighted both mothers got their mojo back.
But I digress. Speaking of probes, I was talking to a bunch of international scribes over for the OSCE knees-up and they seemed unaware of the Christi/Bobby tragédie trial but agreed that if things ran quiet in the Hillary camp they could always run some indignant colour piece about gaseous lynch mobs.
"Ayup, chuck - and what exactly is the interest from the FYROM Clarion (incorporating t'Macedonia Gazette)? Am I like missing summat?"
Either way, I will fearlessly fotograph the shenanigans until hustled away by Security and dropped down that Tzavros oubliette.
Mr Woods is disappointed that it'll be a while longer 'til he sees justice done: "We flew from England at great personal cost because we have faith in the Greek justice system." Yees, so ... where are we going on this, Mr Woods? Even moi, in my anchorite cell could hear the bush telegraph back then proclaiming the inevitable delay ... *that* is the Greek justice system and, true to its own industrious rumour mill, it's very much kept the faith with those of us watching the byzantine proceedings unfold.
Excellent razor-job letter by Athens News' cool Perri Pagonis asking why he's being shunned by the likes of:
" ... Stamatina Tsimtsili, ebullient energetic hostess of the cooking show, In the Kitchen, and other Alter chat shows ... Will she talk to me personally about her career, interests, background, etcetera? Noooo, she won’t. It appears she won’t even think about it.Ditto with chatty peroxide inquisitor, Vasia Loi, feline hostess of TV Weekend [who] dodges my appeals for a chat like some nimble ballerina."
[Mega thanks to Lord Headley of Follies for pointing this one out]
Shudder ~ Not long 'til July 1st when even Greece turns Nanny.
That 400-foot design is in a Yatesbury barley field and depicts the mythical phoenix reborn as it rises from the ashes.
"Investigators claim more formations are referencing the possibility of a cataclysmic event occurring on December 21, 2012, which coincides with the end of the ancient Mayan calendar."
From this video, the police look as if they haven't a clue what they're doing.
They're no sooner advancing on the poor bloke on the ground than springing back in apparent fear that he might retaliate - which looks highly unlikely.
I can't see or hear any indication that the officers have received any training in any sort of restraint of suspects. Nor can I see the 'suspect' behaving aggressively in between the tasering which seems to be delivered very much at arm's length as if the lone man on ground poses more of a threat than the combined circle of Filth.
Is this our police force these days?
Something for your inner geek to have fun with.
When you get bored, chill out with muzak: punch in name and sit back as luverly Vastfm sets up a playlist and then proceeds to play them at you.
This lady can assure herself of an interesting prison sentence.
I know that blokes inside for sex crimes suffer a dodgy status among their fellow crims, so I'd guess Vanessa George might have keep an even lower profile.
Even wim crims harbour maternal instincts, no? Including the screws.
What a thoroughly nasty piece of work that Robert Crow looks.
Exactly the sort of union boss I'd want to represent me in a dispute.
In my time in book publishing, I had some dealings with our warehouse unionistas and they were classic "I'm all right, Jack" self-referential bastards.
I never got anywhere with them but because I knew the warehouse lads and they knew that I *was* all right, albeit hated management, we emerged less scathed than if it had been left to my ivory tower bosses.
Back in the late 1960s when I became a department head, I'd never hire a girl if her dad worked for Ford.
They were professional strikers and trouble makers and i knew any spawn would be infected, maybe not then but sooner or later.
Searching for a few good men - even better, women - to join me on a weekend's pilgrimage to Athens
The excellent Nikos Konstandaras to the point as ever in his AthensPlus 'Breaking Point' Opinion of the Siemens scandal.
What set me guffawing with delight and admiration was his succinct summary of how
" ... everything appeared to be going according to the Greek way of handling scandals:
That is what I call good writing.
And which the discerning Sinbad borrows.
I was in Hong Kong when the massacre took place.
Beijing pals were phoning and faxing it in until the lines went dead.
We watched what TV coverage was getting across until ... blank.
My wife and I had a literary agency spotting local literary goodies and skilled translators to sell to our pals back in London and Boston.
Not one of our budding writers was heard of again.
Comment Pic: "Tank Man"
When the swing chair goes up, that's it. Sumer has a cumen in, or however it goes.
I look so nervous and grumpy, not because of my crap haircut from Zoe because Nancy can't walk for a while, but because the chair is hanging from a very dodgy hook that is not quite curved enough to secure it if anyone swings too vigorously (believed to be a reference to a certain younger daughter and her bf, due to arrive June 20)
I love the thrill when a new book's coming from a run-don't-walk, 1-click author that one snaps up 'sight unseen', as my old publishing boss had it.
Salley Vickers has a new novel out June 25 and mater will be in London to collect it, so whoo hoo.
Plug: This blog exists to plug favourites so,
If you're wondering about typo 'Salley', it ain't: it is spelled with an 'e' because it is the Irish for 'willow' (from the Latin: salix, salicis) as in the W.B.Yeats poem, 'Down by the salley gardens'.
Good news, chaps: That May-December match tacks years on.
I suspect it depends on how you pace yerself.
Comment: The Boss of Me sends "the story of someone who couldn't keep up with her older fella."
Corfucius runs a literate ship and he looks after his buds.
Voici a useful list from that last bastion of anglais how she is spoke, L'Economist.
Oh all right, you lot in the back row, here's what it means.
Aggravate: I grew up knowing it to mean 'make heavier'.