29 October 2014

greece worst to do business

Dementia repeatia reportia ~ have nowt 2 do; scram a mile; count the family silver; rewrite yer Will; avaunt vile gardenry  

27 October 2014

That's what i call pickin'. my carer gone essex way for a few weeks. blissfully seul; gonna get the axe out and strum me me some

24 October 2014

22 October 2014

dementia ~ ementia repeatia is the one to stay clear of. It certainly did for me.

LICORICE STICK ~ vaut l'attente

guitar tricks, for when im back  on fret 

17 October 2014


crash of '14. i keep being sent these. and there's more, if i can work out how to post

16 October 2014

uh ohhh ... ozzie pistolero dans un peu de confiture 

snowflake facebook easel catweazel ... still here to collect from the caliphate cornucopia

the blues trail. oh peau peau ... !! me n little jimmy potts should be on this. even the name.

i must try to watch it but i dont get bbc too good up in vouvia heights. more anon
big bill telling it straight

Don't let it become routine

15 October 2014

a fuller page, it seems, submitted by a sleuthing irregulière on the trail of simpsonia. also news of al-anon eng lang, corfers chapter but not to splash around. lawks, i wonder what came of those earnest big bookistas. so serious. id not choose qny of them for a session, save davy simpers of ample quaff ans he really blew a good job. oh man. i'll never trust a recovering alchie again n nor will anna.   

DEMENTIA REPEATIA - hear hear, i should say, and then 10 mins later a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time ad repeatia nauseam. anyone in their own lunacy, contemplating committing caregivery: read this 20 times, during which i will steal up n put a merciful bullet in yr bonce and save you appalling misery down the line. no no dont thank me, yr relief as it dawns on you the horreurs i've saved you will be reward enow. 

14 October 2014

CORFU CREATIVOI oh how funny. this link alone will keep my corfuciosi irregulières  distracted and amused. 

webster's very useful blog from his pages in the Oldie or di u nean http://www.webstersblog.co.uk? my eyes dont work a damn. 
and if u add an /malware, u get all sorts of freebies

13 October 2014


monday october 13 ~ oscar Pistolius day - i guess Ozzie must be wondering the same thing as the judge tots up how many moons he'll do in the slammer 

02 October 2014

ALCOOL CARER - Corfucières irregulières' despatch  .... everyone's in on the sleuth, Pink palace to Palaio, magda to Mavtouki, naxos to Nausicaa's nookery

fyi ~ china nat fleure

01 October 2014

them clever translaters

palatially pink: devoted corfucières readers monitor this page too closely. out of the void plonks a clever link that i recall wesley pressing for back when. my younger spitfire carer goes "phew!" when we reminisce over Operation Closecall. 

Blogger scouts report elsewhere sightings. thanks, chaps, but it's old news, old quarry. moving on ...
more hongkong - i'm in touch with old HK pals, one of whom - well placed in the government, writes: "I'm simultaneously filled with trepidation for the possible consequences and admiration for the courage of those who are defending their turf against these unwarranted premature incursions from China.
I'm told CY Leung actually proposed using brute force to President Xi Jinping! If so, what a loathsome traitor he is to his own people."http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1604986/umbrella-revolution-weathers-storm-and-cy-leung-admits-protests-set

hong kong - http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-29430229

debt management partner = terribly funny, using poll to net cheats. good word, 'debt management partner'. wish i'd thought of it when reploying to my atttorney over my own plans for repaying a recent debt run up during accidental vesting of family shares and online-banking movement of funds while managing a 'correction' of 'mis-aligned' assets between UK/Greek bank accounts