That is field-craft. Rogue Male territoire. I really really want him winged and brought in to tell his story. I fear he will be sharply shooted. The mute button did not work so listeners heard him comment drily that, "You'd hardly expect them to use a slow one." In today's case, into the rabid-dog tasers of what passes as The Filth Only the furtives or hesitant were bagsed.SEVUN DAYS this man eluded the Law
"A tent in a secluded spot" ~ Reminds me of the story of a radio newsreader who had to read a line about bankrobbers fleeing the scene "in a fast car."
Striding ~ every Checkpoint Charlie Chav I've known, every Dark Side dancer, has always said they got thru either by shuffling with village idiot bloodhound droopy gait, or striding intolerant into the steel of their scrutiny.
Last stand - or do I mean kneel?
4 comments : someone saying "Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic rabbit!"
Oh dear, I don't get it.
"...fled in a slow car" It won't work.
"every Checkpoint Charlie Chav I've known, every Dark Side dancer, has always said they got thru either by shuffling with village idiot bloodhound droopy gait, or striding intolerant into the steel of their scrutiny" I hear a torch song coming on...Moat's tale already has more plot than a spree killer's containing some of the elements a folk tale, attracting some allies, now on police bail (how do you libretto that?). All in all though he messed up his narrative, missing out on 'they shot him down' (one up for plod there) and seriously wounding an unarmed police officer. On second thoughts forget that song...
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