13 October 2011


Wonderful term and discovered just in time for my further writings on the loss of my personal jewelry and my daughters' heirlooms:

"A Japanese term for [such] hostility: gyaku gire, literally “reverse rage”
... refers to a situation in which someone who isn’t in a position to be mad unfurls fury."
In April 2007, my entire 40-year collection of personal treasures of cufflinks and tie pins and the ilk were taken behind my back from my bedside cupboard, across to my brother's place in Italy where they were equally secretively handed over.
For four years I have tried to get an explanation for the theft.
I assumed the lack of truthful response and dismissive reaction to my even raising the subject was because my mother and brother judged themselves better able to decide where my girls' heirlooms should be stored: with my brother, safe from the thieving Corfiots.

On July 29th I finally cornered my brother and his explanation was simple: when my mother handed him my jewels, she told him they were my father's - dead those 20 years.

My brother already had links and pins of his own so, in his own admission, he pushed the box to one side sans even bothering to open it.
It has not been seen since.
Defining gyaku gire, both mother and brother fly into almost hysterical rages when forced to confront their shame.
In a way it is amusing to watch this particular brand of guilt.

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