Stop the Sneak Attack on Wildlife Some in Congress are attempting to use a must-pass spending bill to eliminate protections for wolves and other wildlife. Speak out for wildlife! Urge your U.S. representative to pass a clean continuing resolution – without provisions that hurt our wildlife.If they are successful, life-saving protections for wolves will be eliminated, the Endangered Species Act will be compromised and vital funding to protect our wildlife and environment will be slashed.
Louise has recently fallen foul of one Ted Ferrioli - altho' not as foul as he has of her. By my troth, has the ordure/ventilator interface rebounded robustly on the podgy pol. Is the moron in Grant or Greece? - that 'Flopsy' Ferrioli bunter sure be back-pedaling now. Hit delete, Jack and don't come back namoor, etc Clever MyEagleNews: Worse, we have letter writers in newspapers across the region questioning whether Grant County, not Greece, is the haven for morons. That’s some significant splashback for a community that’s struggling to foster a fledgling tourism industry and promote its assets. The senator may have shot himself in the foot, but we’re catching the ricochet. Maybe he should apologize not just to Greeks, but to this community as well. And perhaps next time, rather than telling foreign correspondents to “go away,” he should invite them to visit Grant County and see rural life for themselves." Call anyone a moron today? - OregonLive.com's incisive Susan Nielsen sliding the rapier into Ferrioli's juddering flanks. This is beginning to catch fire - surely not an outbreak of Politician Politesse? Message from that gunslinger that he, 'Posted the following at the Blue Mountain Eagle: I hope your good Senator learns a few lessons from this international drama: the internet may provide a certain anonymity, but not for a public figure. It used to be that a rude comment would reach ten friends, now it can reach a million - pretty much with one forward to a list that goes viral. Finally, the US is in need of civil discourse. Most of us are tired of insults, shouts, and rude behavior. The business of governing is too important to be given over to bullies." ' Seems like there's a poll that Corfuciosi should join in - not sure where, unless it's the discussion going on here. I'd like to fire up some comments from south london and Hong Kong, give it a bit of cosmopolitania. Meanwhile ... back on the ranch: I wrote a few articles about it on my FB page, where I have a great circle of friends supporting my humble efforts for animals. I explained what the whole situation was about, and I posted the ready letter (the first one that I sent) together with the e-mail addresses of all 30 Senators of Oregon State, to be used in our campaign of protest against the destructive proposal. Many of my friends sent the letter too, expressing their opposition to the bill. Chris, I truly care for all these beautiful animals and I believe that it is of no importance whether I live in the US or not, when it comes to fighting for the survival of any species. There are truly no borders in our fights for animal rights. I am thoroughly disappointed with the reaction of this U.S. representative; when opinions from abroad are given with good faith, even though there may be a disagreement, there should be a respectable acceptance of it. Check this link for an update today: I am attaching the e-mail exchange between me and Mr Ferrioli - starting with my first letter at the bottom, ending with his last reply at the top." You have not begun to deal with the shortcomings of your own governments and nations. Learn to govern yourselves, especially in the areas of social and environmental justice, before you begin to preach to others. Let me give you this assurance about your political influence in the Oregon State Legislature: You have none. Senator Ted Ferrioli John Day, Oregon USA" From: Louise Du Toit, Monday, February 07, 2011 11:45 AM Dear Senator Ferrioli, thank you for your quick response. The fact that you took the time to reply to my letter, is a certain sign that you do feel quite insecure about the strong influence that we as non US citizens might have on the destructive proposed bills. I am not kidding, neither are any of the thousands of Europeans who are supporting the protection of all wolves around the world and who are all determined to speak up against this injustice. There are NO borders in our fight for endangered species. Henry Beston said the following: No-one has the right to destroy the life of ANY other nation, and we will oppose the killing of wolves ANYWHERE in the world for as long as we live. Sincerely, Louise du Toit From: Sen Ferrioli Subject: RE: Endangered Wolves Mr. [sic] Du Toit, Are you kidding? Why do expect that input from EU residents make [sic] any difference at all to me? I'll be supporting Dr. Whitsett's bill (he is a VETERINARIAN). By the way, perhaps I should be writing to EU ministers to stop bailing out Greece. Clearly it has become a haven for morons. Go away! Senator Ted Ferrioli From: Louise Du Toit, Monday, February 07, 2011 1:52 AM Dear Senator I am writing to you since I am STRONGLY opposing Senator Doug Whitsett's anti-wolf bill, which will ignore the opinions of wildlife managers and scientists, and strip wolves of their already weak state protections as an endangered species. This bill will also greatly undermine the Endangered Species Act itself, by allowing politicians to decide which species deserve protection from being wiped out. A a vivid and dedicated supporter of native wildlife, I am truly concerned about the negative effects which the proposed bill of Senator Whitsett could have on wolves and many other endangered species. Wolves MUST remain a protected species, since like all living creatures on earth, they deserve our full support and compassion, all being equally important and vital for a healthy Eco structure. I expect you to stand up against ANY efforts to make it easier to kill wolves, as I expect you to support the well-being of all native wildlife. Sincerely - Louise du Toit, Greece Thank you, Chris, your support is so much appreciated. Link to read more about the injustice towards the wolves. FACEBOOK POSTING : I had originally kicked off on my facebook - which i don't mix with here - with a plaintiff: To which the stalwart Richard Wells - poet and Dylanthologist - had responded, *** Loipon - I love Louise and you would too so I call on all Corfucian Irregulars to do that thing you do and dish it to this grunting troglodyte as only you know how. Close readers of this blog know how much I admire Louise du Toit.
"But this fuss really isn’t about wolves. It’s about civil discourse. Labeling an entire nation “morons” wasn’t the senator’s finest moment. It seemed particularly unfortunate given some of the recent history of his home county ...
"Too important to be given over to bullies": Oh boy, I wouldnt like to get on the wrong side of Ricky 'Awesome' Wells.
"Word travels fast in this internet age, I'm following the story from Seattle, but I heard about it from friends in Greece.
"After learning about the anti-wolf bill of Senator Doug Whitsett, which will strip wolves of their already weak state protections as an endangered species, as well as greatly be undermining the Endangered Species Act itself by allowing politicians to decide which species deserve protection from being wiped out, I sent a polite letter of protest to most of the 30 Senators of Oregon State.
Many of us, both Americans and non-Americans, received unbelievably rude replies from Mr Ferrioli.
"Mmme [sic] Du Toit,
You are delusional if you believe US elected officials will bow to activist pressure from outside our borders. Let your friends, family and fellow Europeans in their thousands write passionate emails. We will ignore them.
To: Sen Ferrioli ~ Subject: Re: Endangered Wolves"The animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren; they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth."
To: Sen Ferrioli
Subject: Endangered Wolves"Someone is being horrid to a very favourite pal of mine. if anyone stateside goes huntin fishin with Teddy Ferrioli, can they ask him to be nicer to her. i am gathering more material to shove up on my blog."
"A UN free zone. Spare me. Here come the black helicopters, but they can't seem to find that rather insignificant county. Mockery is the only real response."
1 comment :
Let's collectively toss this ratbait senator to the wolves, once and for all.
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