I'm absolutely fascinated by the behaviour of Deportivo Pereira defender, Luis Moreno, in heartlessly booting the opposition's live owl mascot off the pitch. See for yourself - I wouldn't invent such a disgraceful story. You see Atletico Junior's mascot take a ball in the beak near the Pereira penalty area ... then Moreno simply comes along and boots the still stunned hibou off the pitch - and off this mortal coil. I'm not surprised the Panamanian player "has since become a hate figure in Colombia" and nor would I be surprised if we read ere long of a 'Birds' style attack on Moreno by a peck mob parliament of owls. This is the sort of payback those Columbians can arrange without missing a single sachet of java.Owls being night creatures, they'll make it a crepuscular ambush and witnesses will speak of their romantic dusk rendezvous being spoiled by a figure staggering out of the undergrowth clawing in agony at empty bloodied eye sockets as feathers float around him.
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