21 August 2006

Anybody can become angry

You have to have wasted a weedy life-time's impotent anger to grasp the beauty and common sense of Chip Gibbons' Quote Du Jour for Aug 19.

"Anybody can become angry - that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy."

— Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics

Chip's cleverly-titled and consistently common-sensical and topical Binary Circumstance blog is a joy and education to read.

There are many people I left on Bainbridge whom I'd have liked to have known better.

Mostly hail-fellow-well-met types I could meet in the Safeway queues and suggest a cleansing latte down at Bagels.

Kyrios Gibbons would have been a more difficult and time-staking quarry to stalk but it would have been worth putting in the time to draw out the wit and anecdotes:

  • Stalking him in the video store as he added to his polyglottal stops, checking out that DVD on learning Urdu
  • Cadging another ride to some mayoral candidate's posh waterfront do.
  • I know my fieldcraft.

    Seriously, I may have swapped the chilly waters of Puget Sound for the azure Ionian but I remember chances missed and potential friendships left strangled.

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