The Ionian Islands and Epirus
A Cultural History
Y'all have one whole month to get your orders in: I won't tell you what passes as the delivery note or where you sign her ... suffice it to say that road trips down Route 66 to Epirus will never be the same. Maybe even Kalo'riziko since you're rolling a whole new book out onto the market. Enough already! Scribble scribble scribble, eh Mr Potts? 'Pon my soul, I haven't even got round to eyeballing 'Billy-Bjorn Bunter and the Potter Vinci Code'. March 3rd Talk ~ Not to be missed. A talk about the book. Jim will post the press release in English towards the end of Feb when the book will be in the Signal Books warehouse. is calling this a book launch or presentation, but it will be more of a general introduction to the book and the approach JP took in writing it." Can't keep track of the blighter: Next thing he's spouting on the wire-less radio How to Order ~ It's Good News Monday! here's how to order. (Actually, I've just tried the USA branch and Jim might have it a bit wrong: It's quicker found in the English store at That's what I like to see, an author out on the road flogging his wares. Seems there's more ... Scribble scribble ... yet another tome ... in racing parlance, by David Wills out of Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Drone bore puff burble ... This book explores the transformation and varying fortunes of Anglo-Greek relations since that time. The focus is on the perceptions and attitudes shown by British and Greek writers, audiences, and organisations. Greece and Britain Since 1945 has contributions from leading academics, journalists, novelists, and public servants. Subjects covered include: Contributing authors include Peter Mackridge, David Connolly and Alexandra Moschovi. Jim Potts' chapter is concerned with cultural relations between Britain and Greece, and with the work of The British Council in Greece since 1939, and post-war. It can be ordered online at or by email here. Wot more U want? Be there ... or prance with the Pelasgians. Congrats to Jim Potts for what looks to be a fun 'n' informative must-read.
Lord have mercy - I'll end up having reviewed the book before I get round to the albums. Gotta be a blues there, a blues about not reviewing the Blues.
" is carrying an item in Greek about JP's forthcoming talk at the Durrell School of Corfu on March 3rd.
"In 1945 the modern country and people of Greece were unknown to many Britons.
Durrell School ~ 3rd March ~ 7:30pm
Efficient email from The School asks us to: "Please note:
Gifting the Islands ~ Thanks go to 'Rue Demo' Baddeley for this Athens News' mention of Britain’s Greek Islands: Kythera and the Ionian Islands, 1809-1864, author Peter Prineas.
Gawd the man's persistent - it's that Maria standing over him with a rolled copy of 'Cat' ~ sell, damn you! I did my bit, now it's your turn to suffer. Plugs galore in Corfu Blues Corfu Blues - both available at PLUS Bookshop, Nikiforou Theotoki Street. To Poulima tis Panoreas (in Greek) available from both PLUS and Zervopoulou Bookshops ( Mich. Theotokis Street, 27, Corfu) The Ionian Islands and Epirus, A Cultural History ~ currently available from and soon avail at Eleftheroudakis Bookshop, Athens.Prolly won't show but do try clicking on this and dinna blame me if your 'puter bursts into flames and Arthur Foss leaps out of the pyre with that cackle he used to order another flagon of hima of the crassest.
March 1 ~ so kalo mina, while we're about it ~ and the Potts Papyrus Publicity machine in top gear, no doubt rehearsing for the Wednesday chat about the The Ionian Islands and Epirus chef-d'oeuvre. The Cat of Portovecchio: Corfu Tales [I still love the way the paperbackers de-cooled the guy on the cover on the left considerably less tête farouche by balding him down. At least they left the cig in ]
I hope your collected blog postings will soon be issued in book form: a best-seller is assured. Thanks for the plug. I don't expect a review! But do buy at least ten copies.
Dear Corfucius,
It helps to know which button to push, or rather which radio station is broadcasting yours truly.
There's a Radio Kima in the USA (on which I was not), and the far funkier Radio Kima in Kerkyra, which did me the great honour of listening to my random thoughts in broken Greek.
I like the way your blogs keep growing. Radio Kima (Kerkyra) has a party tonight (Saturday 20 Feb) at Viro 7Arts Centre, from 9.30. Broadcast the news on Radio Corfucius!
yes i'm a bit useless on that front, plus i was trying to do 3 different things at the same time.
looks like i wont be down viros way tonight - more bosketto stuff to finish.
i find a radio prog spelled differently:
maybe that was the one.
You can't keep a good man down.
Just published: another book "Greece and Britain since 1945" edited by David Wills. See my blog for details!
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