19th Divertimenti in Corfu
19 ~ 26 Sept 2010
Not too late for punters who've not got your orders in - but I beseech you, hurry to let them know numbers and you can pay at the portcullis. And up there is the headline link to the Diverti's web page that none of youse seem able to find ~ or is it just that you love an excuse to call me up or cross the road to interrupt my coffee and cuddlings? Yes yes, I know I should be flattered. Loipon - the link above gives all times and details you need so no more excuses. Fin. And people, you KNOW who the band is, you've heard them before: The Herold Duo "Jan Valta (violin) and Karel Untermuller (viola) return to Corfu for the fourth time. As a members of the world renowned Herold Quartet they have played in most European countries: On 17 September - with the President and other VIPs present - they will be soloists with the Talich Chamber Orchestra in a prestigious concert in Prague Castle to celebrate the Anniversary of 1989's “Velvet Revolution”. Goddit? My good deed done. All that remains now is to see y'all there, nodding appreciatively along with the divine music and jostling with le tout Corfu for the good vino in the intervals. Show me da money: the tickets actually cost €15 and it might be useful to know this and also that there's no paying at the door for finagling financialising taxical reasons.[I know the website dithers between Herald and Her-o-ld but their own CDs spell them Herold with an 'o' so that's what I'm sticking with.]
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