Don't tell me - I would be a lamb to the guillotine. J'sais! That's part of the attraction, mon dieu! Cat fight! And the French do these things with such aplomb. There's something about her non-eyes and shrew-sharp nose that should send me scampering but tempts me. Tick tick must've gone her feline cellules grises. One day. Par tes goolies. I'll have you, you squit." I have always always fancied ex-Madame Sarkozy, Cécilia Attias, over that Bruni usurper.
And now news has it that Mlle Attias will be publishing an autobiographical novel in 2012.
I mean, what a deal Le Gnome did with her:
"Stick with me thru the election and say nowt about me and Carla, and then you can hike off."
"Soddez cela pour une alouette, mais OK.
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