Παρασκευή Plunkeree
At ease, chaps. I just plonked a pic of Ms Christina Hendricks in here to get your attention. Anyway, talk about duelling D cups, competing capos 'n', a bottleneck of blooz-a-baloos ... : Don't be frightened off by Wazzup in Corfu's description of On your behalf I'm going and will report back just how live-lee it turns out to be. Loipon, onward with the musical clashes and caches ce weekend. Never sure what 'live' means these days with all the electronic doodlery they surround themselves with. Perhaps it's that Ricardo will be strumming 'en personne'. Whenever anyone billed me as so-called 'live', it didn't just mean that I'd bother to turn up as opposed to sending a hologram, it also hinted that, this time, I might actually show a bit of pulse rather than my customary phoning it in with a tankard of tequila in one fist. No question about 'live' or pulsing there, the blurb spells it out, Roy's virtuoso guitar playing and Dave's vivid bass, with Dave's drums trying to keep them under control. Together with spicey singer Maria Goros, the NEW Latitude attracts lots of applause and whistles." Vivid bass, is it? Blurb writer reaching for the adjectives there ... and Oy! What about vivid Jon? Kontokali & Western: Just this luncheon I was propping up the bar of Susan's splendid new Navigator's Nosherie ['vivid victuals to the gentry'], chatting up the divine Vanna and puzzling over the blackboard announcement of C&W entertainment this sabbato. I didn't bother to ask because I know how loosely the term is applied in Country-challenged Corfu. How wrong could I be? I should get out more: Fest' or famine. You lucky people. First up, as befits The Lord, Holy Trinity's own Friday Summer Festival Blues Blast with Wailin' Jim Potts, Maestro Raul, and their own secret weapon, Corina Hamilton, of whom I hear GOOD things.
"An evening of contemporary and classical Jazz music performed live."
That drat word again - 'Live'. Anyway, I assure you that it'll be largely Epiphonic blues mixed with Raul's unique magic and Ms Hamilton's even magicer magiciousness.Good ol' Boy stuff ~ In the 'Gene Autry' corner, Richard Lane 'live' at Kommeno's charming Daphnila Bay Hotel. 2100 hrs, so be there.
The NEW Latitude (with their smashing poster ~ I take it that is Maria doing her spicy thang) ... G&M's Bar - Kontokali.
"The NEW Latitude is very much aLIVE.
"Richard Lane 'Navigates' through the Country ~ Navigators Bar & Restaurant - Kontokali - Saturday 4 June, 21:00"
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