gladwell site
Curious as to the whereabouts of my peerage - and thinking seriously of canceling my postal order - I was noodling around the Telegraph weblog site and spotted its RSS tips on how not to to go mad, including a link to Malcolm Gladwell's page, of which I was shamefully unaware.
I must brush up on the latest of Master G's thinking: at a party last night to admire the fireworks over Corfu town, I joined a gathering where a brainy young chap was enlivening his conversation with liberal spicings from the thoughts of chairman Malc.
In preparation for BYC's inevitable inclusion on a buskerian guest list - if not swanning up as uninvited companion swain on the arm of some *legitimate* dinner invitee - I must casually lay out my signed editions (courtesy of that Eagle Harbour books signing) and practise looking surprised that *he's* surprised.
Better still, I'll have them nestling amid my CDs including the signed copy of Bill Frisell's Nashville.