22 April 2006

DestinaJapan advert in Spectator

That Special Woman

Like I say, being back in Greece is all traipsing into town for a decent cuppa like Auntie Maureen used to make, and civilised reading material in a prawper language one can understand, not all this Koini/Katharevoussa hieroglyphics palaver and everyone rabbiting on about alfa vita ghama dhelta like 'Magpie' Mason did in his classics course for the Upper Fifth.

And that means the good old Speccie (*after* The Review, of course) and its curious adverts from Destina Japan ("Journey to find your soul mate", offices in Tokyo, London, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco) with its clean-cut founder, Hiroko Ozawa, beaming out at us gentrified readers.

"Single? Selective? Too busy?" inquires the beguiling mama-san: "Tailored Introduction Service to meet elegant and feminine Japanese Women."

Call for more information 020 7887 1310 or visit www.DestinaJapan.co.uk

Quite a site it is, too:

  • Almond-eyed beauties beckoning from every page
  • Success stories
  • Q&A
  • Even a cheat sheet on what Japanese women are like and - wait for it, chaps - what they think of us British gents (sorry, Seattle buds, American dudes clearly too scrutable to warrant an explanation).

    It all sounds too too fun for words and I'm happy to give it a plug here.

    Plateau Pic: Speaking of matters japonais, Nippon researchers found another of those huge pictures that our alien pals leave behind whenever they pop over for a cup of sake.

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