20 April 2006

banners aloft


One of the fallings out between the Anglican church and our Greek Orthodox hosts (under whose sufferance we are even present in Greece) was over the actual date of Easter.

palm sunday bandLast Sunday was *their* Palm Sunday, so as we C of E types tumbled out of our house of worship, there came hearty sounds of brass bands and general assemblydom from the rival bunch.

Splendid sight and I took masses of pics but they're on my mum's laptop that has caught a nasty case of e-chicken pox so I'm left with these.

As soon as the maternal lap is cured, I shall post 'em all ...

star pupilsOne of the highlights of the parade was the trooping by of star pupils of each local school, including of course the flower of young Corfu womanhood, of whom I snapped many *many* shots, so perhaps it's not e-pox but Our Lord striking the camera dead in disapproval of my lecherous ogling of His handmaidens.

brusque band masterAbsolutely splendid bandmaster who clearly had it in for one incompetent who appeared incapable of walking in time and/or whistling Dixie at the same time.

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