10 April 2012


Oh what fun, what fun.

  • May sees a return visit by the distinguished members of the Order of St Michael and St George.

  • Last visit was in 1997, much master-minded and seen thru to success by maman in typical resolute way.

    In telling of that time, maman features darkened as she recalled the local man at the time

    "Completely useless ... asked to come up with a list of local dignitaries who should attend, he simply scribbled down his drinking buddies and golf cronies ... I had to phone round and rally le vrai Corfu."

    That sounds so Mum.

  • This year's group has Sir David Miers riding trailboss and I had to keep reminding maman that she was no longer in sole charge; never a message that sank in, bless her.

  • But as a post-mortem tribute, I'm doing what I can for Sir David including sending these charming photos from the 1997 visit.

  • Letters to my father : in going thru the photos I of course came across the original letters sent to dad over his own investiture. Absolutely fascinating.

    See them all below. I will be rearranging and captioning them neatly in due course but meanwhile, here they are in self-explanatory order.


    My father in full regalia.

    This was taken many many years before he was awarded the CMG and is standard colonial servant dress uniform of those of seniority and job. But he cuts a fine figure and always did.

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