Stalker Perve Alert: I love - nay, insist on - seeing what people look like. First thing in a chatroom is 'perve' everyone else. I'm not sure if Niece Baddèle is the actual editrice of Omners but she takes a very nice photo. And yes, a sprightly little mag, if a leetle confusing to find my way around - or at least to retrace my steps - but that's my fading eyes because, yes, there is a link back home but it's in teensy 4pt. CHOP CHOP ~ Very clever 'hatchet job' page and well-chosen hatchetees. And do you know? That looks very much like Adamo in Ms Badders' FB photo. Gad, these literary old goats to get around, I mean, landing a bit part in a hottie's profile pic? I'm reading the latest Jim Lynch and he features a Baddeleyesque chickadee temptress who catches the eye of an oldie. He's warned, Oh. Em. Gee. Doesnt that just nail us courtlier gents bang to rights? I mean, truth up chaps - a knock-out babe like Anna Banana chooses to illustrate her FaceBookery with a foto that includes you? Dude! I would be forever finding excuses to make folks Google her just so jealous fellow geriatrics could go But Cor what a corker. (or however people speak these days) They're from the Omnivorous review of 'Hot off the Press: The Quiddity of Will Self' by Sam Mills, which I found a bit confusing. Did think it went too close? Didn't think it went close enough? And is it Mill or Mills? No matter, all forgiven for doing a Bron Waugh 'Bad Sex' job on the cocky Will: The cock, it almost goes without saying, is Self’s." ROWDY BRATS ~ Moving on from the C word ~ and there's no convincing segue I can think of - this just in from Uncle Simon and I speed to post it in the hopes it brews discontent between Dreaming Spires and Prospero's Cell. See SB's comment: ALIGHTED on Anna Baddeley's agile Omnivore e-mag, my attention having been drawn by Uncle Simon plugging it in his Democracy blog. Which is what uncles are for.
ADAM MARS-JONES ~ So that's what AM-J looks like: 12 years in London publishing press hackery, sending him review copies, meaning to badger him at press junkets ... never knew what he looked like.
Seeing his face in sprightly Omnivore was a bit like the shark in Jaws rearing first time from the foam.
"She's the perfect age ... old enough to know how to make you look like hell, young enough to think she's justified."
"Bloody hell! But that's you there! WTF are YOU doing in the same photo?" (Preen smirk snigger)
Orgiastic obsession ~ stratified pinkness ~ splayed ~ shuddering ..
I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to be able to type those words and then scurry for cover behind Ms Baddeley's skirt tails. "He might be a friend of Will Self but Nicholas Royle in The Guardian didn’t think Sam Mill’s cock and bull tale The Quiddity of Will Self went too close to the bone(r)"
"So, imagine my surprise as I plunged deeper and deeper into Sam Mills’s extraordinary odyssey of orgiastic obsession to encounter lines such as “My cock soared Selfwards”, “Her left hand, splayed across the final pages of Great Apes, pressed it against her stratified pinkness … her climax shuddering up, up, up to Will …” and “I sweep into his cock, feel myself fly as it rears up like a rollercoaster.”
Such a waste - pout sulk stamp of foot.
13 April 2012
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Anna's on the right - here:
Far brighter than me. First from Oxford, could have been a don to the sound of bells and she goes into publishing. Such a waste (:))
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