No idea what the Evening Standard piece is about and I don't care. Nor do you. One picture worth a 1,000 wet dreams in la bella Bellucci's case. Or, if you're Vincent, with her.See how your eye was immediately pinned to this page?
I'm not reducing the photos by a single pixel, so live with it.
The power of marketing! I went straight out and bought a karpuzi, 2 kilo of tomatoes, an old mattress and I remembered tpI had to paint asvesti on the apothiki.
i dont understand this but i laughed out loud. you wag - serves me right.
You were distracted by the prop the photographer put in each picture.
By the knickers of Nausimenes! So I was. You are such a badass - i dont know why I wimped it down to Sinbad when the first moniker fitted perfectly. You're wasted on me - i keep making mental notes of your cuttinger comments to use on others but no one offers hostages like i do.
dang - its like those party tricks of remembering things on a tray. perfect grumpy old man ploy - shown the pics and every other red blooded blade says, 'well, there was a phwoar and a cor! and whoa, I could be up that ...' while GOM whines on about the tomaytoes and mattress.
in the full monty, the old sheffield steelers are watching that hot dancing movie and the hot babe is at her job of welder, all legs and blouse open but the steelers are going "ayup, look at that ... that wont hold 5 minutes'. i did guffaw and anna stahe whispered "WHAT??"
"By the knickers of Nausimenes" - another of your enviable alliterations. I'm getting myself a Classical Dictionary.
I use Lemprière's "Classical Dict of Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors Writ Large" ~ routledge
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