"Wet fish and taxi fares"
Actually rather humorous in a grim way, I mean talk about euphemisms. I'm just sorry justice will never be done because TT is just too expertly slippery. I wonder no one got wind of this years ago and led Claire back to the straight and solvent? No doubt there's more than meets the ink. Damn'd good commentator, too. Trouble was, all my virgin school gel pals fancied him rotten, so there's an element of rancid grape pips as I remember back. Even Ted himself seemed to treat as a joke his congenital inability to keep his body parts out of shady deals or trusting damsels. Come to think of it, Thomas increasingly came to resemble Mr Jack Cater ... yes, indeed, those two will have some tales to trade as they toast their infernal crumpets in the Belial Grill and Sports Bar. That he could cheat Claire of all people leaves me ... well, it leaves me. God knows how he can show his face in the FCC, perhaps he can't, perhaps he doesn't care. Ted Thomas: "Carrying on with writing my latest book." You have to know TT to know how screamingly funny that line actually is. What I would give to be at the bar of the FCC when Ted says it out loud to the assembled poker-faced hacks. The usual argy-bargy that Ted's always been good at drawing out: Thomas says that he had a speaking part in the 2008 film “Largo Winch,” that paid HK$100,000."A sad and disgraceful story that has been stewing since 2006 and back on the radar.
For the rest of you who don't know Dai Thomas, he was *the* most beautiful young man in his salad days in Hong Kong, a real charmer.
As he aged (not well) and got further trapped in his wheeler-dealer weasel ways, his features crumbled into craggy dissolution, defining a nightmare Dorian Gray.
"retains membership at some of the city’s most prestigious establishments such as the Hong Kong Club, which he visits every other day to exercise and play poker.
Blimey, that's a bit steep even for a wreck of a cad like Ted the Snaffle.
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