[Fie on your procrastinating ways!] Looked inside the Hobby ShopWent down to Corfu Central
Find me a shiny gun
You know that square on Theotoki
Decided to buy me a gun
All the garden crap and yappety blah yap
Fucking four years, seven months 'n' 14 days to git me one
All I wanted was a gun
That's my kind of 'Hobby' shop
Peddling my kind of gun:
Razor too messy, gassing too groggy
Jumping splats the sidework when you've got down
Got talking to the gunshop gal
What she had in her barrel of fun'
Chatted up that gunshop gal
What she had, Blam-And-It's-Done
She took me to the backroom
Holster-wear guaranteed to stop or stun
[I didn't need no holster but the bazookas she was packing, I played right along.]
She asked what kind of ammo
Rifled, ribbed, or smooth as a baby's bum?
She showed me her tray of ammo
Told her I didn't need but one
A gob-stopping muzzle nuzzler,
Get my Personal Business done.
Fercrissake don't do it Chris...
First i've got to get the frigging lines and rhymes right. Then i need a decent middle 8 solo ... the damn'd thing gonna've rusted up before i'm ready for my close-up.
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