02 September 2013


A pal once wrote a pamphlet about Chlomos and sent it to me to read and tidy - which is how I know about the place. Even took my Cost Centre #2 one sunny day and we didnt get lost and the natives were hospitable because I was with my Anna and she's got such a friendly smile on her, ever' one melt.

Johnnie Allan and his Krazy Kats - I'm not saying little Johnnie hasn't got a beat on him, but it's a white bo's beat, y'hear ... nuthin' wrong with that, plenty of white folks like a little beat with their boaters as they punt down that Thaymes River ~ but it doesnt play too well down our kinda south.

Here's what I'm talking about - say you want to take this tune and make believe it was for Corfu. 
Louisiana? South? Easy, bro - no need even stick a pin inna map - 'South to Lefkimi' and you got it in one.

Here's what I'm talking about - say you want to take this tune and make believe it was for Corfu. 
Louisiana? South? Easy, bro - no need even stick a pin inna map - 'South to Lefkimi' and you got it in one.

Wrong! Listen again and dont let your paleface cloth ear get in the way ... Lou-i-si-ana ... count the vowelage there ... hear how it dips n dives and grunts n gargles? How many Lefkimi got? Ain't got hardly three on it and youve got to listen real good to catch even them ...  

Listen to me, bro - check this out, "South! To Chlomotiana" (gotta get that little whitey yelp in)  .... hear the subtle difference?

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