First footing
- January 1 2013 - next Tuesday -
I've just been put on coal duty by that flame-haired Forteviot-Dewar of this parish, to be at her gates no later than 1245hrs, Jan 1, 2013 ~ 15 mins before the drawbridge is raised on the rest of the Sassenach hordes for this knees-up jewel in our Kerkyra calendar. I agree, rum that in this land of swarthy sons of Homer I'm the only dark-haired Lochinvar she can call on to perform first-footing rites over the baronial welcome mat - not forgettin the coal, salt and malt. Anyway, it's a good reminder for those who observe these comme-il-faut customs and need a crib-sheet: Respectively representing financial prosperity, food, flavour, warmth, and good cheer. McOpah! Now you are fully prepared to impress your guests with your kilty coolness.Timely headsup, chaps.
"In a similar Greek tradition (pothariko), it is believed that the first person to enter the house on New Year's Eve brings either good luck or bad luck."
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