21 December 2012


This is offered as additional help to Alekos Damaskinos' expert guidance thru the auto-translatable English version online application to renew yr vehicular road tax.

  1. Enter the website here.
  2. Give yr 'puter a few secs to decide to translate to English
  3. You see an orange band with, in Greek, Ypiresies/polites/e-polites.

    Click on this orange band

  4. Scroll down to option #14, e-vehicle
  5. Choose Without codes option
  6. You see the Greek Eisothos
  7. You see 'Welcome to Public Service'
  8. You see a screen with two panels:
  9. In the left you see AFM, type in your tax number
  10. In the right, 'Number', your car registration; enter that.
  11. You see the message 'Successful search'
  12. You look for the print button.

    Eh voila! You are printing out the form to take to pay at ELTA or wherever - BY DECEMBER 31

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