Saving Private Hood
Zut et re-zut, that Cate Blanchett is a woman and a half. But what a lot of Normandy landings they did in those days - goodness, Sherwood-on-Sea isn't in it? [That is not a cue for Sinbad to launch into a 12-page spoiler revealing that: No Braids ~ Sorry, nice story but she was not the one in pigtails whose pencil box Simplers retrieved from Wilkinson III with the piping heroic squeak, "Here you are. Don't mind Wilkers, he's a drip."]First full length trailer I've seen of the Scott/Crowe lincoln green romp.
And above all, Badass is not to calculate that he and Mrs Goodass-to-be bumped boaters on a school outing to Thoresby Hall.
I mean, I don't mind hearing about the pigtails as such and per se but 'Carrie' says it simply isn't so and that you can't simply concertina "all those years" (ouch yaroo) for a good story and then exhale again for the rest of 'the saga' (double ouch. Some issues there, methinks).
Yes, so well - I only wanted to shove a pic in of La CB and maybe a butch one of Russell storming the beaches ...
Yeah well (:)) It was John Fowles in Daniel Martin in 1977 (detested by the British critics, loved by US ones) wrote (in a nutshell this is) that Robin was all ('all' means from public school through Wayne and Tracey land) England's favouritest myth on account of being an aristo who got outlawed, mixed and tussled with the plebs, lived as chaps together in a clearing in the secret greenwood (being secret is critical), were jolly good with longbows and staves and fists, conducted insurgency against the Normans (and anything to do with alien government) with their point helmets, swords, mail, kevlar and cavalry and had Maid Marion to drop in now and then to look after everyone in a motherly but sexy way, do the washing up, carry intelligence from the enemy and be rescued from the quisling Sheriff and finally deep respect for true King Rich who we ransomed with money we raised ourselves. Fowles said that in this mythic mélange is the defining character of the English (not British, Croweish, not Welsh, Oirish nor Costnerish) which includes 'not talking about it'.
Curses. Swizz! Wish I'd had Baddeley along with Sellar and Yeatman to make history more fun.
"Yes, very funny, Holmes - I think we all know that particular passage from Baddeley. And I'm sure Miss Bundy did NOT say I looked like Kevin Costner in my green rugby socks.
Er ... did she?"
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