15 April 2010


Yo! There are no UN-sexy photos of the fitissima Zuzana Rozsivalova, so you will just have to believe me that I hemi-demi-semi quaveringly enjoy torturing myself on my anti-flab régime by watching ZR put herself through her routines.

Nasty job, I agree, but Life's not a doddle either.

  • Her full body boot camp exhausts me just to watch.

  • The URL calls this a sexy workout

  • You ask me, they're all purty sexeh.

    On the other hand, you never heard me say that that because - cough - we're all here for the press-ups, innit?

    Keep that leg straight in the back row - yes, you with the "I'm a Hoover Harridan" T-shirt

    Imagine Zusana is some coarse bull-necked drill sergeant. Yeh, right.

  • Abs Assassin, she calls this ~ wonderful name.

  • I posted somewhere my grave suspicion that 60% of her viewers (at a very conservative guess) log on with no intention of joining her in even a shallow knee bend.
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