Having fun keeping out of trouble reading about everyone else's woes of yore as gracefully delivered in Jim Potts' excellent cultural history of The Ionian Islands and Epirus. Jim's doing the perfect job promoting his book and I'm going to help by keeping the thread going. Jim was pleased to be sent a scan of Athens News' Damion Mac Con Uladh's review, "the first review I have seen so far." Check out his excellent blog WHERE YOU CAN GET IT: One can rave 'til one's blue in the face but if the punters can't actually lay hands on the book, that's half the point of the bribe gone right there. PLOUZ' Bookshop on Nik. Theotoki Street now has 15 copies of this excellent book in stock. Now that I've announced that in my king-making blog ("The Oprah of the internet," someone once dubbed me. Me, actually) stocks wont last. Sprint, my lovelies!I've been asked to review it for Island mag hence trying not to glimpse others' opinions such as DMCU's,
"a wonderful and inspiring miscellany of all things Ionian and Epirot. Potts exposes the reader - who ideally is planning or undertaking a holiday or has taken up residence in the regions - to their rich corpus of poetry, prose and travel writing, be they of Greek or foreign hand."
And it really is cultural: Potts knows everyone and slides the references or quotes in with the skill of a Mississippi gambler goosing you from the bottom of the deck.
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