David Ronald Holmes, Kt, CMG, CBE, MC
26 Dec 1913-14 June 1981
My dad died 25 years ago today and I miss him. Busy day: I haven't much to add that I haven't chugged out before in: Gosh Mum looked nice; still does. I remember that day as if it was some 30+ years ago: I was publicity manager for Cassell publishers and Nicholas Monsarrat had flown over from Malta for a meeting that included my promotional spiel. It was going to be touch-and-go getting back from Buckingham Palace in time. I didn't in fact make it but knew where to find them - in the pub - so I joined Nick et co there. As I walked in, Michael Felgate-Catt said "There's the man - missed your publicity routine but Nick's happy with the typed schedule. How'd it go at the Palace?" Monsarrat: Hello, old boy - large Chivas on the rocks? Which palace?" MF-C: "Buck House. Chris's dad got gonged today." NM: "Oh I say,well done ! This calls for more than the old rotgut ... landlord? Got a bottle or two of Mumms on ice? Jolly good. On my tab, as usual." And we were away. George of the Cemetery: One of the great unsung scandals on the isle attaches to George Psailas who single-handedly., 24/7, maintains the beautiful cemetery, unfunded and unaided. I'm to blame, you're certainly to blame. We're all to blame. I can hardly look him in the eye each time I visit the exquisitely maintained plots. I shall return to this subject with facts marshalled and suitably honed hrrmphings and bombast. There will not be Hilary Whitton Paipeti's graceful tutting about *my* finger wags.Going thru the albums this afternoon, what do I come across but some rather nice snaps a relaxed Dad and some of his actual knighthood day.
And who is that fresh-faced elder son next to Patera?
I have made a reference to the British Cemetery and to George Psailas after getting an e-mail from Scotland about the Corfu Incident of 1946 and added a link to your blog comment in:
Most kind, I'm sure
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