21 November 2009


~ Σχερία Scythe of Scientology ~

First off, brilliant cover shot for this post (tho' I say it so meself) of Sambo and national treasure John Forte's Commodore and the Colonels.

I'd plonked the book down to take a close-up but Sam came over for a cuddle and would *not* move, so I said "You win" and took it like U see it.

Dept of Let the Irregulars do the leg work: Under the impression that I am interested in anything but self-advancement, Democracy Streetwise Prof Baddeley sends me verry interesting news of Oz pol Nick Xenophon stirring it up over the vicious cult 'Church' of Scientology being a criminal organisation.

The splendidly-named NX has been contacted by a number of former Scientologists after he questioned the organisation's tax exempt status.

I once worked the PR for a book scrutinising those crooks and they don't take kindly to a lorgnette being pointed their way. Luckily, I was also launching a novel by a top cop with heavy connections and some of his lads were also interested in any hanky-panky from that direction so I'd pass on any 'encouragement' from those Scientology creeps to do a less than professional job and they took it from there.

Tapped my phone for free and got some juicy stuff. Them was the days.

Any road, as I say, I filch Sinbad's feed and pose it as my own and send it to the fortitudinous John Forte whose courage and stamina kept us in Kerkyra free from chafing under that yoke. No, really - read his book over which Sambo stands such guard.

John's in London right now, sans email etc, but it'll be like those beacons of yore: some wired worthy will read this and pass it on and on until it reaches someone in range of a runner with a cleft stick who'll run it over.

John and I had been chatting about this recent ruckus in France and we'd hoped summat would emerge in time to be inserted in his updated edition, due out this Yule, available from good bookshops nowhere, such is the pathetic system of subscribing these days, but watch this space for where in Corfu it's on sale.

So yes, pal of John contacts him:

"Some cove in Corfu has posted latest news of Scientologists hitting a speed bump in Australia."

"What's that? [John's un peu deaf, bless him, even more than I] Ah right, that'll be young Sherlock, on the ball as ever, born there so I expect his contacts keep him current."

Muah ha ha - Sinbad out in the cold.

I've run some stuff before on this subject:

  • Extra extra
  • Censorship
  • Cruise control.

    Perfect  photo.

    Stand easy, Sambo. Good boy. Job done.

    Celebs hit back: Must mail this to John Forte

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