My attention is drawn by my favourite Scondella to the brewer's lad stocking the shelves. She knows I like good bière and what is he loading up but bouteilles announcing: I am persuaded by Scondella's lovely smile to buy no less than **6** bottles. I tell myself they are for toasting Gwyn's forthcoming triumph over the Midian hosts of BAPLA, but I know it is Scondella's beauty that won me over. I am a fool but at least I will be a drunk fool. Let me sip the brew and report back, both on the beer and BAPLA/fotoLibra outcome.To the splendid sprawling Scondo supermarket past Tzavros en route to Emeral coffery, there to shop for staples and check price of Ferrero Rocher against Diellas and AB.
Corfu Beer
~ Non filtered, non pasteurised ~ product of Corfu Microbrewery, Arillas, Corfu, Greece.
Who's Scondo? ~
Special Alert: But what is this I see when I return today? Yet another brew - a 'Special', 'pon my soul, and crackerjack it looks too.
I signal Mother to place a brace in the trolley and shimmy off to find suitable junk food to accompany.
First thing on returning home, on with the drinking weskit and out on the terrace for a testing:
The 'Ordinary' ale? At first greeting, a toasty, oaky, supple, flinty taste, developing on further acquaintance to distinct bonhomie. Minimal lacing and delicate hoppy scent, with just a hint of biscuit malt and grapefruit. The 'Special': Flavours that start out gently and proceed to embrace with a stronger grip. Both pour a vivid mahogany with a thin head. Intense herbal taste, laced with a touch of strawberry and baking soda. Mouth-filling mouthfeel and long finish. Down the hatch!
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